Plot Summary:
"Pan is Born! And Goku Goes Off On A Training Journey" (パン誕生! そして悟空は修行の旅へ!?, Pan Tanjo! Soshite Goku wa Shugyo no Tabi E!?) is the seventeenth episode of Dragon Ball Super. Its Japanese air date is November 1, 2015
It has been more than a large portion of a year since Vegeta left to prepare with Whis. Gohan and Videl's girl Pan has been conceived, and Mister Satan approaches play with her, making a lot of senseless appearances to keep her entertained. Gohan returns home from work and changes into his "Incredible Saiyaman" ensemble, in like manner putting on a show to divert Pan. He guarantees to crush the shrewd Satan who is attempting to "take her heart", and he and Mister Satan energetically fight, hurling Pan around as they do. Simply then Chi-Chi
comes over, and is sickened to see the unpleasant and tumble way they handle Pan. Despite the fact that Gohan guarantees his mom that Pan, being part Saiyan, ought to be more than fine with a touch of roughhousing, Chi-Chi is resolved that they raise her as a tender girly-young lady, so she won't wind up as another "fight cherishing numbskull". Mr Satan challenges that he longs for raising Pan to be an awesome military craftsman who can serve as his successor and have over a hundred pupils, however Chi-Chi still does not move on the subject.
Driving in the city, Bulma is ceased at a light when a couple of looters zoom by, sought after by a cop. The thieves scratch Bulma's auto as they pass, so she takes off after them, and because of her and the policeman the burglars are soon gotten. Truth be told, the cop is none other than Kuririn! Despite the fact that he's grateful for Bulma's help, regardless he gives her a ticket for speeding. Simply then his telephone rings. He and Bulma are summoned over to Gohan's home to help out manage the circumstance, with Goku and Goten appearing in the meantime as well. Bulma guarantees to quiet Chi-Chi down if Kuririn disposes of her ticket. She guarantees Chi-Chi that she ought to look on the brilliant side: Gohan has effectively turned into a researcher, and even Goku is working now… rather than Vegeta, who has been off preparing with Whis for a large portion of a year without returning home. At the point when Goku catches this, he goes ballistic and come smashing through the divider. Needing to prepare with Whis as well, he requests that Bulma let him know when he will stop by next. Nonetheless, Chi-Chi is against Goku going off to prepare. Kuririn whispers to Goku that he ought to simply hunt down Vegeta's ki and teleport after him. Unfortunately, Goku can't sense Vegeta's ki by any stretch of the imagination… he should be too far away.
Urgent, Goku begins chasing after Bulma goading her about Whis: at home, at work, and notwithstanding when leaving the shower! At long last, Bulma gives Goku a cellphone and guarantees to call him whenever Whis turns up. Chi-Chi manages this, so Goku covers by advising her that he and Bulma are arranging an astonishment party for Pan and need to stay in contact. Chi-Chi is excited that Goku is at long last going about as a decent granddad. Goku now invests his energy lounging around sitting tight for his telephone to ring, and Gohan begins to ponder what is going on. At the point when Chi-Chi joyfully guarantees him that he will "discover soon enough", Gohan just turns out to be much more suspicious. Chasing after his dad, he stows away adjacent when Goku at long last gets the call that Whis has landed on Earth. Goku changes into his dōgi and launches, touching base before Bulma and Whis as they are taking off to eat. Seeing this present, Gohan's suspicions are affirmed. Goku asks Whis to prepare him, and Whis concurs, yet says Goku must hold up until he has got done with eating with Bulma. Whis and Bulma take a seat to eat, yet Goku continually intrudes on inquiring as to whether they are done yet, making Whis progressively irritated. After the supper, he sternly tells Goku that such anxiousness may be an issue with regards to his preparation.
Before Goku can leave with Whis however, Chi-Chi arrives, having been tipped off by Gohan (who compliantly apologizes to his dad). Goku says he will simply be away for a tad bit, however Chi-Chi is not purchasing it; she's heard that line too often. Gohan contends that Goku needs to prepare and become more grounded keeping in mind the end goal to ensure the Earth, yet Chi-Chi keeps up that Goku should be a decent granddad for Pan. Exhausted with this, Whis begins to leave, and Goku pursues him, taking hold of him just before he rockets off into space. Shockingly, once Goku's gone Chi-Chi is not all that frantic, at long last appearing to acknowledge the circumstance. She wonders about that astonishment party for Pan, however Bulma guarantees her that she will toss a major gaudy one. It will be another bingo competition, albeit no Dragon Balls this time, yet at the same time loads of incredible prizes. Turning upward into the sky, Gohan wishes his father good fortunes with his preparation.
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Dragon Ball Super episode 17 : “Pan is Born! And Goku Goes Off on a Training Journey?!”